Get Your FREE TICKET To Menopause Madness Virtual

Live Event With Dr. Cathy Jones MD

“3 Hidden Secrets Your Doctor Will NEVER

Tell You About Treating Your Hot Flashes,

Mood Swings, and Weight Gain...Naturally”

July 13th, 2024 l 10 AM ET

Dr. Cathy Jones

Expert in Women's Hormone Health

Is This Event For You?

  • Struggling with Hot Flashes? Discover effective techniques and natural remedies to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, helping you stay cool and comfortable throughout the day and night.

  • Battling Mood Swings? Learn how to manage emotional ups and downs with expert advice on lifestyle changes, nutritional support, and stress-reduction strategies tailored to balance your hormones and improve your mental well-being.

  • Concerned About Weight Gain? Find out how to combat menopause-related weight gain with practical tips on diet, exercise, and metabolism-boosting habits that will help you maintain a healthy weight and feel your best.

Why Should You Attend This Virtual Live Event?

  • Expert Guidance and Practical Solutions:

Learn from a leading expert in Women's Hormone Health.

Dr. Cathy Jones is a board certified Gynecologist who specializes in Alternative and Holistic perimenopause and menopause management. Providing you with advice, practical tips, and effective strategies to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life, naturally.

  • Empower Yourself with Knowledge:

    Gain a deeper understanding of the changes happening in your body during this transitional phase. This live event will help you demystify perimenopause and menopause, debunk common myths, and empower you with the knowledge to make informed health decisions.

  • Connect and Share with a Supportive Community:

    Join the community of women who are experiencing similar challenges as you. Get your pressing questions answered in real-time during the interactive Q&A session. You will benefit from tailored advice and support from Dr. Cathy who understands your unique needs and challenges.

My Story: 

I have 30 years of experience in Women’s Health. As a Board-Certified Gynecologist, I have extensive knowledge and skill in Evidence-Based healthcare. I am a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and an Expert in Women’s Hormone Health. Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of women face-to-face overcome their health challenges, naturally. My profession has allowed me to live a purpose driven life helping women achieve unimaginable success with their health journey. As women, we inherently have strength, beauty and purpose, 3 of our most important assets. My goal is to help you regain confidence, vitality, and sense of control as you navigate this transformative stage of your life.   

Why Now?

The game has changed... and I’m at the forefront of that change. With the recent corporate takeover of traditional medicine, there has never been a better time to enter and grow in the knowledge of Alternative, Holistic healthcare. I will provide you with natural solutions that treat at the level of the root cause of your problems and not merely the symptoms. 

My Commitment:

I understand what it feels like to face health challenges especially during the transitional years to menopause. Trust me, I know what it feels like but I also know what it takes to crush those debilitating symptoms naturally and regain your best life. My commitment to you is to guide you every single step of the way!  Are you ready to commit?

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